The Fiscal Cliff Won't Stop Facebook From Soaring!

Now that the so-called fiscal cliff is almost a certainty, and fear among investors is growing by the minute, should we run for the exit or should we embrace the pain and see it as a buying opportunity? About a month ago I wrote an article on Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) and listed the reasons why I thought the stock was poised to go higher. Now, after these few weeks I want to add to that article several new pieces of information and make an even stronger point about the stock soaring during 2013. Facebook Gifts. It was introduced as a prototype or beta version right by the time when the latest earnings call was released. Now, we can see it in full mode all over the social site. I find it very useful and as a matter of fact I became a happy customer a couple of days ago. Though it is true that I haven’t seen any of my friends used it so far, I think it’s just a matter of time for it to happen. It truly helps to be able to give a little something to the ones you care even with...