
Showing posts from November, 2013

J.C. Penney's 3Q 2013 Results - My Opinion.

Today, November 20, 2013 JC Penney announced its third quarter results with a press release followed by a conference call before the markets opened for business. Overall, I believe that it was good news for the longs (such as myself). However, skepticism is still hanging in there as the material results were disappointing and the only good news are the trends that seem to be improving but are yet to show on the quarterly results. As promised, I will give you, what I believe are the most important things from the conference call and quarterly results for your review. Mike Ullman the CEO mentioned that "the turnaround for J.C. Penney is beginning to take hold" He also said that during the third quarter "we began generating positive sales momentum". Nevertheless, those positive sales trends are not yet materialized and reflected into this quarter results. Margins on sales are not yet improving. In fact, they are deteriorating based on the same period last yea...

Getting Ready for JC Penney's Earnings Release

It has been almost a year since I started following JC Penney and their turnaround effort. I have to admit that supporting them back then was just a little too early and I have paid the price, losing close to half of my original investment on shares of this company. Having said that, I still think this company can and will be turned around. Though I still think some of the changes that Ron Johnson introduced are good for the company (e.g. uncluttered stores), It is also true that taking away the coupons were a major mistake that resulted in a precipitated decline on sales. Now that Mike Ullman is back on the reign and coupons have been reinstated I think customers will come back. JC Penney is scheduled to release earnings this upcoming Wednesday, and based on the latest events and releases from the company, I expect it to give positive news that will give the stock a much needed boost and at the same time scare some short sellers away from it. I will listen to the conferenc...

Thank You Veterans!

I want to take this opportunity to thank all veterans of the United States military for their sacrifices and service to this great country. Without them, our freedom (which many don't even think of) will not be possible. Also, thanks to all the veterans families, friends and relatives who also had to endure watching their loved ones go away for some time and in some cases forever. It is only fair that we take the time to remember and honor those who have risked everything and in some cases lost so much in order for all of us to enjoy our freedom. Dear Readers! Please take the time to say thanks to a veteran today! It is important for them to know we care and appreciate what they did. Sincerely, Adrian Gomez.

Adding Some Oil To My Holdings

Energy is a need for humanity, and oil companies have been in the front lines benefiting from covering this need. So, how can I get a piece of it? Swift Energy Co. (NYSE: SFY) This company is a small player in the oil  and natural gas industry but with huge potential to make my investment double in a relative short period of time. Swift Energy Co. had been on the wrong side of the industry, they were playing mainly on the natural gas (NG) and natural gas liquids (NGL). Now, with more and more operations on the Eagle Ford Shale they are becoming an oil company and moving away from the not so lucrative natural gas industry (as stated on their latest  quarterly results ). This move is expected to materialize on the next few months. Although Swift's balance sheet is not very healthy with a current debt higher than the current assets and virtually no cash on hand. I still believe that it has the means to navigate through this transition. Once the sale of their Louisiana asset...